Sunday, March 12, 2017

Beanie Boos Need Baths Too!

Beanie Boos Music Video
Is it time for your Beanie Boos to get a bath?

If you're anything like us, then you probably love to take your Beanie Boos with you wherever you go. While it might brighten up our days, it has the opposite effect on our Beanie Boos. As they go everywhere we go, they end up collecting a lot of dirt and stains. You may even notice that your Beanie Boos have picked up an unusual smell, and it's probably not one that you appreciate. 

So, you're left with only a two options, put your Beanie Boos in a bag and never let them get dirty, or find a way to clean them safely. 

While throwing them in the washing machine may seem like a good option, it is possible that doing so could spell the end for your friend. This is especially a threat if it is a stuffed animal that you have had for some time. So how do you clean your Beanie Boos safely?

Hand Wash
While the washing machine may be a good option for some stuffed animals, it poses a threat to many others. If your stuffed animal has a music box inside, is very fragile or old, or has anything other than stuffing inside (like Beanie Boos!) then the washing machine could be dangerous. In these cases, you are much better off by opting for a good old fashion hand washing. 

Washing Machine
If you're washing a stuffed animal that is not fragile, old, or stuffed with other materials, then the washing machine may work fine. If your washing machine is a top-loader, then the agitator in the middle might be too harsh on your stuffed friend. The best practice is to put your stuffed animal in a mesh laundry bag, choose a gentle cycle, and always use a mild detergent. Lastly, let them air dry instead of putting them in the dryer.

Steam-Clean in the Dryer
If you've washed your stuffed animals, then they need to avoid the dryer. However, if your dryer has a steam sanitize or steam clean option, then it may be even better than using a washing machine in the first place. While this could get noisy for a bit, this is a great alternative to hand or machine washing. Make sure you follow the instructions for your machine and always use milder cleaning agents.

If your stuffed animal isn't too dirty but has picked up a couple of stains, then spot-cleaning may be your best option. This is far less aggressive than the other methods we have mentioned since you are only cleaning the visibly dirty areas. Make sure that you do not use bleach-based or harsh cleaners, as they may remove more than just the stains.

Always Be Cautious
Many of us can think back and remember our favorite childhood stuffed friends. Often, the years of love have left them somewhat worn, that could mean broken stitching or even a missing arm or leg. Before you choose any of these cleaning options, you will want to ensure that you have stitched up any holes and reattached any torn or lost limbs. Once you have chosen the best cleaning method, you will be more than satisfied with how clean and fresh your stuffed animals are. Keeping them clean means that we can keep them closer longer, and that is the best feeling there is.

For the love of Beanie Boos, 

Hug them, collect them or dance to their music. These fluffy babies are sure to make your day! 

Check out for more fun and Beanie Boo Music Videos! Love to Rock it with Beanie Boos! Make some noise, have some fun!!- BBR is a division of Pink Cadillac Media, Inc.
200 Prosperity Road, Knoxville, TN 37923
Phone: 865-951-5887

Beanie Boos Need Baths Too!

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